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August 08, 2009


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Teri Springer

I am glad I am not the only one who noticed the bands were upside down. And yes, I first pinned mine on upside down but felt there was too much to ease so I looked at the directions and, oopppsss......It was a fun project. Even though I am no beginner at sewing I am not proficient with wearables or bags and had to find a tutorial to figure out the gusset. Thank goodness for YouTube!!! Your bag is lovely. I had to order the fusible fleece so, since I plan to make a few more of these for friends, I just went ahead and ordered a bolt from Amazon.


I feel there is need here for a correction. You are NOT a "total beginner." you are a NATURAL! I've been sewing for longer than you've been alive and this project is beautiful!


Hi, beautiful bag! i've sewn one for myself too and am working on 2 for gifts. Just to let you know, (I made the same mistake): your bands are sewn on upside down! it doesn't make a HUGE difference but you can see how the bands wrinkle when you hold the bag. when you pin the bands to the top of the exterior and the lining, the bands should be pointing down (like making a rainbow shape). it's tempting to do it the other way because the shapes fit so nicely together... hope this didn't burst your bubble! A lot of people seem to make this mistake.


Just wanted to say Thank you for the tutorial. It was very helpful to me!


Beautiful bag! I've been sewing for years and sometimes I still sew the opening closed. What I do now is try to use the same color pins for the project and a different bright color (like red) for the edges of the opening. When I see them I remember I have to stop.


Thank you for sharing the best way for a make bag and wallet...

Lisa Canipelli

Thank you so much for posting this awesome tutorial! You really saved me! That gusset had me stumped but your visuals made it so easy!


Hi Karen
You need to purchase Amy Butler's Birdie Sling pattern. This tutorial supports folks to follow Amy's pattern. Hope that helps and happy sewing!

Karen Stewart

Did you have an original pattern that gave you the sizes to cut?


I love the bag, but really love that you provide us with your nail polish colors. I not only sew, but I LOVE nail polish!

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